Interactive Whiteboards
If you have an Interactive White Boards in your classroom and you need to install the software. Follow the instructions below.
   1. Double Click on My Computer
   2. Double Click on (Q:) Teacher Common Drive
   3. Double Click on the folder Interactive White Board
   4. Depending on which school you are at; it will contain the software
      you need for your computer
For diagrams showing how to hookup your smartboard click on the link for your school below or choose one of the generic diagrams

Bayside Elementary School w/ Cable (PDF)pdf   w/o CableTV (PDF)pdf

Centreville Middle School (PDF)pdf

Kennard Elementary School (PDF)pdf

Kent Island Elementary School (PDF)pdf

Matapeake Middle School (PDF 1)pdf   (PDF 2)pdf

Stevensville Middle School (PDF)pdf

Sudlersville Elementary School (PDF)pdf

Sudlersville Middle School (PDF)pdf

Computer with a Doc Camera and Ceiling Mounted Projector (PDF)pdf

Computer with a Doc Camera and Non Ceiling Mounted Proj (PDF)pdf

Laptop with a Doc Camera and Non Ceiling Mounted Proj (PDF)pdf

Laptop with a Non Ceiling Mounted Projector (PDF)pdf